Friday, September 3, 2010

A Tour of Ancient Rome

Today we took a tour of Ancient Rome. The massive Pantheon (a temple dedicated to all the gods), the remains of the Roman Forum (with its many Arches to conquering generals and emperors, its many Temples dedicated to a variety of Gods and its many Basilicas, dedicated to their Emperors), the awesome Colosseum (a sporting arena which could seat 50,000 spectators for gory entertainment such as combat between wild beasts and people or simply between Gladiators) and the Palaces of the Emperors all speak of a paganism focused on indulgence, immorality, intoxication and idolatry.

Paul and the early church faced a seemingly impossible task. Who could expect the gospel to penetrate this paganism. It would seem Rome matched the words of Paul “ever learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth” (2 Tim. 3:7) or even “to their own lusts they shall heap to themselves teachers” (2 Tim 4:3).

How could the gospel enter that city? Check back tomorrow.

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