Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Missing Link, Part 3

I hope that you have found profit from reading parts one and two this week. Today, an idea.

The question we now ask is, how might I implement a longer meditation of the Scriptures in my life?

Repetition: Get together with a buddy to read an extended passage of Scripture. Pick a Psalm, or a number of chapters, or a full New Testament epistle. Read it aloud. Then re-read it. And re-read it again. This will give you, as Muller wrote, more understanding than a cursory reading of the passage.

Memorization: Earlier in our curriculum, author Don Whitney outlined a number of benefits to Scripture memory. It supplies spiritual power, strengthens your faith, aids you in witnessing, gives God's counsel, and stimulates meditation. Fusion is working to commit Psalm 1 to memory this month. Pick something and work on it in your group or with a buddy.

Note Card-ization: Do you have somewhere for 3x5 note card? On your desk or clip board at work? On your car's dashboard? A place in your home where you spend time throughout the day? Write just one verse on that note card. It'll be there staring at you all day. Keep reading it. Ask yourself questions about it like, why did the author find it necessary to say this? Does it answer a what, why, or how? What is the main point of the verse? What smaller phrases or descriptions shed light on that point? What implications are there in light of this truth? You'll find that you'll draw out the meaning of the verse very effectively through a long inquiry into it.

Do you have other ideas for implementation? Feel free to post them below.

On Sunday in your ABF group you'll study the what, why, and how of worship. Comments will follow here next week.

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