Tuesday, July 27, 2010

When the Worst Evangelist Is the Best, Part 1

It was one of those "wow" moments. The men had gathered at Panera Bread for our weekly review of our ABF teaching. The study had been from Jonah and the coming week would be an overview. I asked what they thought was the punchline of the book. One of the men immediately said, "Jonah was the best evangelist God could have sent to Nineveh."

I never had that thought, so I asked him what he meant. His answer was insightful and something like this: "Apparently the Lord knew that Nineveh needed to be confronted with its sin and coming doom more than it needed a comforting word of hope. Who but a man who hated Nineveh would have preached condemnation with such intensity that it caused an entire city to fear their doom and call to God for mercy? Jonah was the best evangelist God could have sent to Nineveh!"

I was about to correct that conclusion by sharing the main point: God's compassion for doomed people and God's correction to Jonah for being the worst evangelist in history. But I paused to reflect. That reflection went on for several days and led me to wonder if the worst evangelist was indeed the best evangelist God could have sent to Nineveh.

What do you think? Is his conclusion valid? Look for Part 2 of 3 on Friday as we observe God's calling of Jonah.

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